Friday, May 28, 2010

Future Plans for the Netherlands

Hello, I am a team member from the Netherlands soccer team participating in the FIFA world cup 2010. Our travel plans to reach South Africa are by plane. Once we get to South Africa we will check into our hotel and then start to practice for our big game. We are working hard every day and our accommodations may not be like it is at home, but we are expecting to be treated fairly well. We will have some fans there along with other teams whom we will meet on the field ready to give them our all. We are expecting our biggest fans to show and cheer us on so that we have a sense of "home" with us as we play our games.
Our first game will be against Denmark. They have had three appearances when we have had 8. It seems as if it will be a very good game and we plan on defeating them and continue on to the next round. After that game, we will be playing against Japan. They have had three appearances similar to Denmark and we are expecting a great game against them. Neither of the two teams, Denmark or Japan, have received a title. We have not either but we plan on changing that this year.We are making sure to keep good attitudes along with good sportsmanship and no matter what the end result is of the game, we will walk off the field with some type of feeling of achievement whether we win or loose. If we win, we will be over joyed with excitement and continue to train hard, yet if we loose, we will be sad yet we will know that we tried our best and will start working hard and training for our next season where we will be even better.


  1. Good luck! I"m sure you'll do great! No matter what happens, your fans are all behind you in everything you do. I'm sure your confidence and teamwork will get you far in the competition! Go Netherlands!

  2. I think you will have a great time in South Africa along with the rest of the team. I hope you the opportunity to experience the culture of South Africa in between the hard work of practice and playing. With your fans behind you, your team can't be beat!

  3. I hope we beat Denmark! You seem like you are very excited to be going to South Africa. I can't wait until we win!
