Sunday, June 6, 2010

Penalty Kick on Apartheid

While coming to South Africa, I read about the South African system of apartheid. Apartheid was racial segregation. Apartheid was created by the Afrikaner National Party as a way to control South Africa's economic and social system. Apartheid laws were enacted in 1948. The 1950 Population Registration Act required all South Africans be classified into one of three categories: white, black (African), or colored (of mixed descent). It was based on appearance, social acceptance and descent. All blacks were required to carry a "pass book" with fingerprints, photos and other information. During the grim days of apartheid, soccer brought joy to the South African people.
Because of the apartheid, South Africa was suspended from the Fifa World Cup for many years. They were first banned in 1959 and did not return until 1992. In 1957, Freddie Fell, the president of the Football Association of South Africa, and his colleagues were found guilty of violating anti-discrimination laws. They refused to send a mixed racial team to the African Cup of Nationals tournament in Sudan. For thirty years, South Africa was isolated from World Soccer.
Apartheid was stopped by Nelson Mandela in 1994. Still, many citizens live in misery and poverty. Discrimination is still happening. However, South Africa has changed and apartheid will never return. I am glad that the Netherlands does not classify their citizens by race. I hope that having the 2010 Fifa World Cup in South Africa, it will bring more economic benefits and awareness to the conditions in South Africa.